Spy-Kill Deluxe Edition v3.35

Spy-Kill Deluxe Edition v3.35

NEW VERSION 3.0 NEW FEATURE, Process manager with advanced features, Hosts file manager Winsock repair tool with ability to diagnose, Backup, restore and repair Winsock settings Delete service function Delete a file on reboot function Completely customizable settings
Deluxe Spy-Kill is one of the easiest and fastest ways to sweep your hard drive of adware and spyware available on the web. With advanced features like Active Monitoring you can rest assured that your computer will be free of future unwanted spyware.
Did you know spyware can be sending vital information saved on your computer to computer hackers? Spyware works by installing itself on your hard drive then sending your surfing history, data you input into online forms, and vital other information to unwated sources.

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